General nature related groups, societies, charitable organisations and bloggers - there's a lot here! Scroll down for Yorkshire links.

National Links

Link Info
A Focus on Nature The UK's youth nature network, inspiring young people with an interest in nature.
ALERC The Association of Local Environmental Records Centre. Promotes good practice amongst the various regional biological records centres.
Amanita Photolibrary A large collection of images including sections on UK plants, invertabrates & fungi.
Back from the Brink Ambitious project to save 20 of England's most threatened species.
BioBlitz Network How to host a Bioblitz event (a mass survey of all living things, usually over 24hrs, in a designated area)
Bio Images Huge photo library with over 100,000 images of over 7,000 UK species with a focus on invertebrates & plant species.
Biological records Centre National focus & support for biological recording in the UK. Provision of data sets, atlases & other biological information for research purposes.
British Ecological Society Wide ranging and longest running ecological society in the world. Articles, several journal publications, research & topical ecological news.
British Naturalists Society Long running and established nature conservation society. Publications, ID resources, regional branches & a 'young nats' group
British Wildlife Recordings Listen to the sounds of British birds, mammals & other wildlife events.
Conservation Volunteers(TCV) Connecting people with conservation volunteering opportunities in their local area.
Countryside Code Guidelines for respectful enjoyment of the UK countryside.
Countryside Charity (CPRE) Dedicated to enhancing, promoting & conserving the UK countryside with local branches in every county.
ECOS Open access online journal. Natural history / ecological articles, book reviews and more.
English Country Garden A catalogue of the flora and fauna recorded & photographed in Jenny Bailey's garden since 2005.
English Hedgerow Trust The only UK charity dedicated to the conservation of hedgerows.
Environmental Information Data Centre A vast repository of searchable & publically available UK environmental data.
Field Studies Council Educational resources,many identification guides & wildlife courses.
First Nature Online identification guide to a wide range of UK flora & fauna.
Floodplain Meadows Partnership Collaborative project focussing on research, management, promotion & restoration of floodplain meadows in England & Wales.
Friends of the Earth UK based global conservation & environmental organisation.
Hedgelink Partnership organisation working to conserve & improve UK hedgerows
Help Wildlife Information & advice about what to do about sick or abandoned animals.
Identification Resource Finder Literally 100s of online identification guides & keys for most groups of UK flora & fauna. A truly magnificent resource from the Field Studies Council.
IRecord National recording scheme for all wildlife species. Open to all & can be used as personal record.
ISpot Nature National community project helping anyone to identify anything via uploaded photographs.
John Muir Trust Rewilding projects, mainly in Scotland.
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Major conservation / environmental organisation & main advisor to the UK government on conservation issues.
Linnean Society (The) Communicating nature since 1788! The world's oldest active biological society and very much alive - journals, archived material, education and more.
Magic Map Multi layered 'nature' map of the UK. A top resource for all wildlife enthusiasts.
Moorlands Association Promoting and conserving the UK's heather moorlands.
National Biodiversity Network National lead for the collection of biological records. Resources include the NBN Atlas, a huge database of UK records & current recording schemes.
National Forum For Biological Recording Independant forum & charitable organisation promoting high quality biological recording.
National History Consortium Bristol based collection of several local & national conservation agencies delivering cutting edge research and co-ordinators of UK Bioblitz events.
National Wildlife Crime Unit Assisting in the detection and prevention of crimes against wildlife.
Natural England Leading advisory body for the natural environment in England. A huge site but their Publications section covers a wide range of useful information.
Natural History Book Service Major supplier of natural history books, journals & other resources.
Natural History Museum The British Wildlife section of the NHM contains a wealth of information & topical features.
Nature's Calendar Citizen science project mapping the effects of climate change.
NatureNet Independant voice & popular countryside & UK wildlife site.
OPAL Open Air Labs, a citizen science project (now finished), the site retains all of the information & completed wildlife studies.
PAW (UK) Partnership for action against wildlife crime.
People Need Nature UK charity highlighting the positive relationships between people & nature.
Peoples Trust for Endangerd Species Helping to bring the UK's most endangered species back from the brink.
Rewilding Britain Rewilding information, news & articles and a UK rewilding network.
Space for Nature All about garden wildlife & how to make gardens wildlife friendly.
Species Recovery Trust Dedicated to saving the UK's most threatened species.
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Independant envionmental research group & centre of excellence in environmental science.
UK Peatland Programme Promoting peatlands resoration across the UK. Several projects.
UK Safari Ever popular site for general UK wildlife. Photo files, ID help & newsletters.
Vanellus Photofiles Specialising in birds & insects in flight, quality wildlife images & info from the Somerset Levels.
When to Watch Wildlife A month by month guide to wildlife highlights & various live bird cams.
Wild about Gardens Wildlife Trusts & RHS initiative to encourage wildlife friendly gardens.
Wild about the British Isles Online forum with various wildlife, environmental & wildlife equipment boards.
Wild Network(The) Community network all about re-engaging people, especially children, with nature.
Wildlife Galleries Jason Steel's award winning wildlife photographs.
Wildlife Gardener Useful tips & regular articles on attracting wildlife to your garden.
Wildlife News Regularly updated articles & news feeds from across the UK.
Wildlife Online Educational website about British wildlife with seasonal udates.
Wildlife Science UK based research unit focussing on wildlife management.
Wildlife Trusts A collection of 46 independant regional trusts which together form the largest conservation charity in the UK with over 2,300 nature reserves.
Wildlife Watch Junior branch of the Wildlife Trusts and the UK's leading environmental action club for children and families.
Wildwood Trust Kent based animal conservation charity with a history of re-introducing mammal species.
WithNature Information portal on various wildlife related topics.
WWF (UK) UK branch of the world's largest environmental charity.


Yorkshire Links

East Yorkshire

Link Info
Friends of Sugar Mill Ponds Conservation volunteers who help to manage & protect this nature reserve.
Hull Natural History Society The study and recording of wildlife in the Hull area & east Yorkshire.
Humber Nature Partnership Collaborative partnership aimed at conserving & protecting the natural environment around the Humber estuary.
NEYEDC North & East Yorks Ecology Data Centre. The holder of biological records for E. Yorks
Robert Fullers Diary Thixendale based acclaimed wildlife artist Robert Fuller's blog & wildlife diary.
South Holderness Countryside Association (Facebook Page) Conservation group managing a handful of reserves, monthly meetings, publications, blog and a 'young nats' group.
Wild at Hull Wildlife blog about wild places to visit from Hull.


North Yorkshire

Link Info
Bilton Conservation Group Conservation volunteers group dedicated to preserving the wildlife of the Bilton area of Harrogate. Includes nearby Nidd Gorge.
CPRE North Yorkshire North Yorkshire branch of the Countryside Charity. Promoting and enhancing the North Yorkshire countryside.
Craven Conservation Group Field trips, indoor meetings & newsletters from the Craven district of N. Yorks
Dunnington Conservation Group Conservation volunteers who manage Hassacarr Nature Reserve, near York
Friends of Hagg Wood Conservation volunteers who help protect & manage Hagg Wood, near York
Friends of Hell Wath Community group working to protect Hell Wath nature reserve. Facebook page
Friends of Rawcliffe Meadows Conservation volunteers helping to manage & protect Rawcliffe Meadows nature park, in York.
Friends of Skipwith Common Escrick Park Estates information about Skipwith Common national nature reserve.
Harrogate & District Biodiversity Action Group Working to improve the biodiversity of the Harrogate area.
Harrogate District Naturalist Society Wildlife sites & sightings, group meetings and field trips.
Lower Ure Conservation Trust Wetland restoration around the River Ure & management of Nosterfield nature reserve.
Make it Wild York based eco focussed & rewilding organisation with a handful of reserves in Yorkshire.
NEYEDC North & East Yorks Ecology Data Centre. The holder of biological records for N. Yorks
Nature in the Dales Species & habitat information, projects & more, including the Yorkshire Dales Biodiversity Action Plan.
Nidderdale AONB Information about Nidderdale, features, projects & walking guides.
Nidderdale AONB Blog Nidderdale conservation volunteers blog
North Yorks Moors National Park visiting information.
North Yorks Moors Blog Official blog for the North Yorks Moors National Park.
Pinewoods Conservation Group Protecting & conserving wildlife & habitats in the Harrogate area.
Rydale Natural History Society Wildlife sightings, indoor meetings, field trips & photo gallery.
Scarborough Field Naturalists Wildlife sightings, indoor meetings & field trips. Facebook page
Upper Wharfedale Field Society Field trips, indoor meetings, articles & several special interest groups.
Whitby Naturalists Club Studying the natural history of the Whitby area. Group meetings & field trips, projects and extensive archives section.
Why Watch Wildlife York based general wildlife blog.
Yoredale Natural History Society Studying & promoting the natural history of Wensleydale. Group meetings, field trips, yearly bulletin & reports.
York Natural Environment Trust Conserving, protecting & enhancing the natural environment in and around York.
Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust Caring about & supporting the people, landscape & wildlife of the Yorkshire Dales
Yorkshire Dales National Park Visitor information from the National Park Authority.


South Yorkshire

Link Info
Barnsley Biodiversity Trust Information for everybody interested about the Barnsey area biodiversity plan. Includes local sites & wildlife.
Barnsley Naturalists & Scientific Society Recording wildlife in the Barnsley area, indoor & outdoor field trips and a social media platform.
Beauchief Environment Action Group Conservation volunteer group helping to protect the Beauchief area of Sheffield.
BNA South Yorkshire South Yorkshire branch of the British Naturalists Association.
CPRE Peak District & South Yorkshire South Yorkshire branch of the Countryside Charity. Promoting and enhancing the South Yorkshire countryside.
Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership Various projects aimed at preserving & protecting the unique landscape of the Dearne Valley
Doncaster Biological Records Centre Holder of the Doncaster area biological records & environmental data sets
Doncaster Natural History Society Recording Doncaster's wildlife since 1880. Publications, projects & group meetings.
Eastern Moors Website of the only part of the Peak District in Yorkshire.
Friends of Eccleshall Woods Conservation volunteers who help to manage & protect Eccleshall Wood.
Friends of Gillfield Wood Conservation volunteers helping to protect and conserve Gillfield Wood.
Friends of Thorne Community Woodland Conservation volunteers who help to maintain & protect Thorne Woodlands.
Ian's Walk on the Wildside Professor Ian Rotherham's environmental & wildlife blog.
Moss Vallley Wildlife Group Conservation volunteer group maintaining the habitats of the Moss Valley.
Sheffield Biological Records Centre Holder of the Sheffield area biological records & environmental data sets.
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust One of the 46 wildlife trusts in the UK. Sheffield & Rotherham look after several nature reserves in South Yorkshire.
Sorby Natural History Society Studying & recording the natural history of Sheffield & surrounding area. Several interest groups, publications & monthly newsletter.
South Yorkshire Econet Facebook Page South Yorkshire biodiversity information & discussion.
Thorne & Hatfield Conservation Forum Conserving the biodiversity of Thorne, Hatfield & the wider Humberhead Peatlands, research, publications & blog.
UKEconet Unique collaboration between Sheffield Hallam university & S.Yorks Biodiversity Research Group.
Wadsley & Loxley Commoners Conservation volunteer website of Wadsley & Loxley Commons, near Sheffield.
Wharncliffe Heathlands Trust Conservation volunteer group who help manage the nature reserve.


West Yorkshire

Link Info
Ben Rhydding Gravel Pits Website of the conservation volunteers who manage this local nature reserve.
Bradford Urban Wildlife Group Recording, observing and protecting Bradford's wildlife & habitats.
Brockadale Suporters Group Volunteer conservation group helping to look after Brockadale nature reserve.
Calderdale Wildlife Old blog of the Halifax Scientific Society. Nature sightings, information & nature related news across Calderdale.
CPRE West Yorkshire West Yorkshire branch of the Countryside Charity. Promoting and enhancing the West Yorkshire countryside.
Cromwell Bottom Wildlife Group Wildlife sightings and conservation news from this much acclaimed nature reserve.
East Keswick Wildlife Trust Parish based conservation charity which owns & manages several tracts of land around the village
Friends of Denso Marston Conservation volunteer group who manage Denso Marston nature reserve.
Friends of Fryston Woods Community group helping to improve Fryston & nearby woodlands.
Friends of Haw Park Wood & Wintersett Conservation volunteers who co manage & help protect Haw Park, Wintersett & Anglers Country Park.
Friends of Ilkley Moor Conservation group helping to protect & conserve Ilkley Moor.
Green Calderdale Evironmental campaigning group promoting sustainablity across Calderdale.
Halifax Scientific Society Promoting an interest in the natural history of the Calderdale area.
Halifax Scientific Society Blog A new home for the old blog (Calderdale Wildlife). Nature related sightings across Calderdale.
Leeds Naturalists Club Studying Leeds wildlife since 1870. Sightings, features, meetings & field trips.
Low Moor & Oakenshaw Wildlife Information & wildlife sightings from the Low Moor area of Bradford.
Nature in the Dales Species & habitat information, projects & more, including the Yorkshire Dales Biodiversity Action Plan.
Northowram Wildlife Calderdale based blog about general wildlife of the Northowram area.
Wakefield Naturalist Society Nature sightings from the Wakefield area, group meetings & field trips.
West Yorkshire Ecology Service The holder of biological records & data sets for West Yorkshire.
Wharfedale Naturalists Society Studying the wildlife of the Wharfedale catchment area down to Otley. Group events & field trips
Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust Caring about & supporting the people, landscape & wildlife of the Yorkshire Dales
Yorkshire Dales National Park Visitor information from the National Park Authority.


County Wide Links

Link Info
Garganey Trust A newish wildlife conservation charity managing a handful of wetland sites across Yorkshire.
Open Country Helping people with disabilities to access & enjoy the countryside.
Rewilding Yorkshire Rewilding information, projects & news articles.
The Conservation Volunteers Yorkshire Connecting people with conservation volunteering opportunities across the county.
Wild Yorkshire Richard Bell's nature sketchbook.
Yorkshire Coast Nature Wildlife information, tours & events along the Yorkshire coast & North Yorks Moors.
Yorkshire Naturalists Union Observing, protecting & recording Yorkshire's wildlife for over 150 years.
Yorkshire Rewilding Network Bringing together all those interested in rewilding. Various projects, news & articles.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Leading conservation charity in Yorkshire, managing over 100 nature reserves.


Yorkshire's Wildlife Sites

All of the nature reserves, SSSIs and local sites

Yorkshire Folk

The people involved with Yorkshire's Wildlife

Yorkshire Nature Notes

The blog, personal reflections and Yorkshire banter!