Excluding marine and domesticated mammals there are just under a 100 species of our 4 legged friends (plus bats) in the UK, many such as Red Squirrel, Pine Martin and Hazel Dormouse are threatened whilst others such as Eurasian Beaver and Wild Boar are making a come back. Scroll down for Yorkshire links.

National Links

Links Info
Badger Trust Promoting the welfare, conservation and protection of UK badgers.
Badgerland Information, conservation, education & badger research.
Bat Conservation Trust Information, education, surveys & conservation of UK bats.
Bats of Britain Identification guide.
Beaver Advisory Committee England Information on beavers and re-introduction schemes in the UK.
Beaver Trust Leading the way for the re-introduction of beavers to the UK.
Black Foxes Information and sightings of the rare melanistic form of the UK red fox.
British Deer Society Promoting deer education, research and best practice management.
British Hedgehog Preservation Society Hedgehog conservation & help for sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs.
British Red Squirrel National forum for red squirrel sightings, news & conservation.
British Wild Boar Facts & issues surrounding the wild boar in Britain.
Hare Preservation Trust Working for the preservation of hares in the UK.
Hazel Dormouse Conservation Information, monitoring and ways to assist with dormouse conservation.
Hazel Dormouse Information Natural England factsheet on this rapidly declining rodent.
Hedgehog Street All about helping urban hedgehogs.
Mammal Mapper App Help map the distribution of UK mammals by using this app.
Mammal Bones ID guide Beginners guide on how to identify mammal bones.
Mammals in your Garden Natural England guide to mammals you may spot in your garden.
Mountain Hare Information Factsheet and distribution of the Mountain or 'Blue' Hare.
National Mammal Atlas Contribute and help inform the distribution of UK mammals.
Northern Red Squirrels Network of groups working to conserve & protect red squirrels across northern England.
Population & Conservation Status of British Mammals 2018 review published by Natural England
Red Squirrel Survival Trust Charitable organisation dedicated to red squirrel conservation.
Red Squirrel United Nationwide network working together to conserve UK red squirrels.
Red Squirrels United (final report) Layman's report of this 4 year project looking to secure the future of red squirrels in the UK.
Spotting Wild Mammals Comprehensive guide to spotting wild mammals in the UK.
The Fox Project Information bureau & refuge for injured foxes.
The Fox Website Everything you need to know about UK foxes.
The Mammal Society Leading UK conservation charity for mammals.
Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital Trust for sick and injured animals.
UK Mammal list Full list of UK mammals.
UK Squirrel Accord Information and conservation of the Red Squirrel.
UK Wild Otter Trust Promoting positive understanding and conservation of UK otters.
Vincent Wildlife Trust Research & mammal conservation innitiatives.
Water Vole UK Information & conservation of the UK's fastest declining mammal.
Wildwood Trust Dedicated to conserving the UK's most threatened animals.


Yorkshire Links


Link Info Region
Bats in the Dales Mapping project. N/W.Yorks
Beaver Trial Project Information & news about the trial re-introduction project at Cropton Forest. N.Yorks
British Deer Society Yorkshire Information, news and group events. Yorks
Kirklees Badger Group Local badger conservation group. W.Yorks
Calderdale Badger Group Local badger conservation group. W.Yorks
Craven Badger Group Local badger conservation group. N.Yorks
East Yorkshire Bat Group Research, conservation & local events. E.Yorks
Mountain Hares in the Peak District Peoples Trust for Endangered Species project to save this declining species. S.Yorks
North Yorkshire Bat Group Working for bats across North Yorkshire. N.Yorks
Peak District & Sheffield area Deer Survey & ID Guide Long running citizen science project mapping deer species in mid Yorkshire. S.Yorks
Red Squirrels Northern England Protecting red squirrels in Northern England. N.Yorks
Sorby Mammal Group Special interest group covering Sheffield & surrounding areas. S.Yorks
South Yorkshire Badger Group Local badger conservation group. S.Yorks
South Yorkshire Bat Group Monitoring, caring and protecting bats in South Yorkshire. S.Yorks
Stokesly Badger Group Local badger conservation group. N.Yorks
West Yorkshire Bats Protecting & caring for the bats of West Yorkshire. W.Yorks
West Yorkshire Red Squirrel Group News and information about Red Squirrels in West Yorks W.Yorks
Yorkshire Mammal Group Group meetings & mammal research. Yorks


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