Over 60 miles of the Yorkshire Coast is designated 'Heritage Coastline' - its world famous (it says so on Wikepedia!). Scroll down for Yorkshire links.

National Links

Link Info
Aphotomarine Large photo library and species lists of marine flora & fauna around the shores & intertidal areas of the UK.
British Marine Life Study Society A wealth of information & educational resources about UK marine and shoreline wildlife, albeit not updated since 2019.
British Marine Life Jim Greenfield's galleries of various marine wildlife species.
British Marine Life Pictures Extensive array of underwater pictures of many species of marine life from Jason Gregory (a Yorkshireman!)
Capturing our Coast Citizen science project aimed at recording marine wildlife around UK coasts.
Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain Comprehensive identification guide & searchable database of the UK's marine life. Additional google search for each species helps with the latin names!
Marine Biological Association UK based & leading association for marine biological research worldwide. Species information, education, journal publications & numerous projects.
Marine Climate Change Impact Partnership Collaborative partnership providing scientific evidence about the effects of climate change in marine environments.
Marine Conservation Society The UK's leading charity for the protection of our seas, shorelines & the wildlife that inhabits them.
Marine Life UK Cetacean & other marine wildlife research & conservation.
Marine Photo Paul Naylor's underwater photographs of various species of marine wildlife.
Marine Wildlife Paul Kaye's stunning photographic images of marine wildlife.
MarLIN The Marine Life Information Network. Information, species lists, photo galleries & ecology of the habitats of the coasts & seas of the UK.
Porcupine Marine Natural History Society Marine wildlife study society, research, on board field meetings and a twice yearly bulletin with most back issues available online.
Rock Pool Project Citizen science rock pooling events with all data collected going towards the National Biodiversity Network.
SeaSearch Ongoing survey by the Marine Conservation Society and conducted by volunteer scuba divers.
Seaweed Site Guide to seaweed species of the NE Atlantic including the UK.
The Sea Shore Field Studies Council's guide to the seashore.
The Shore Thing Intertidal recording project for schools & community groups around the UK.


Yorkshire Links

Link Info Region
Living Seas Centre Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's sea life hub. Activities include guided rock pooling. E.Yorks
Yorkshire Coast Nature Wildlife information, tours & events along the Yorkshire coast & North Yorks Moors including sea safaris / whale watching tours. E/N.Yorks

Yorkshire's Wildlife Sites

All of the nature reserves, SSSIs and local sites

Yorkshire Folk

The people involved with Yorkshire's Wildlife

Yorkshire Nature Notes

The blog, personal reflections and Yorkshire banter!