National Links

Link Info
Amanita Photo Library Large photo collection (1500) of UK plant species.
Ancient Tree Hunt Ongoing project to add specimens to the Ancient Tree Inventory.
Arboricultural Association Leading voice for tree management with several UK branches.
Aquatic & Wetland Plant Forum Central point for discussion, conservation & identification of aquatic plants.
Association of Foragers Directory of professional foragers.
Big Seaweed Search Ongoing project monitoring environmental change of British coastlines.
Botanical Illustrations Lizzie Harper's botanical illustration galleries.
Botanical Keys BSBI'S Plant identification.
British Bryological Society Promoting the study of mosses & liverworts.
British Phycological Society Seaweed & freshwater algae recording site
British Plant Gall Society Promoting the study of UK galls. Includes photo gallery.
British Pteridological Society Promoting the appreciation, conservation & study of ferns.
British Lichen Society Promoting the study, enjoyment and conservation of lichens.
British Society for Plant Pathology Research, online jounals, articles & news about plant health / disease.
British Wild Flowers Photographic index of British wild flowers.
Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland(BSBI) Promoting the study of British & Irish Botany.
Conker Tree Science Ongoing survey about Horse Chestnut trees
English Hedgerow Trust The UK's only charity dedicated to the conservation of hedgerows
Fern ID Ferns of the British Isles and how to identify.
Floral Images John Crellin's handy botanical photo reference guide with many search options.
Forestry England England's largest land owner & custodians of public forests.
Future Trees Pioneering sustainable & environmental tree planting in the UK.
Grasses & Sedges ID App Pocket guide to around 100 UK grasses & sedges
Herbology Hunt Plants & wild flowers to look out for each month of the year.
John & Gerry's Orchids of Britain & Europe Comprehensive and easily navigated account of Orchids and where to see them.
Landlife 'Re-wilding' projects, visitor centre & leading supplier of wild flower seeds.
Lichen photo pages Alan Silverside's pages (mainly Scottish)
National Plant Monitoring Scheme National survey of key indicator plant secies. Open to all.
Orchard Network Partnership of organisations dedicated to saving the UK's orchards.
Orchid ID Identification guide to UK orchids.
Plants for a Future Sustainable horticulture & database of edible and otherwise useful plants
Plant Galls (Flickr Group) Photo galleries of plant galls
Plantlife Major conservation charity dedicated to saving threatened wild flowers, plants & fungi.
Royal Forestry Society Promoting the ecological management of forests & woodlands
Seaweed Site Guide to the seaweeds of the NE Atlantic region including the UK.
Sphagnum Moss ID Identification guide to UK sphagnum mosses.
Steve's Orchids Photo listing of British Orchids
Tree Council Caring for the nation's trees.
Tree Identification Guide Handy guide to identifying UK trees. Includes a tree identification app.
Tree Identification Guide 2 Another tree identification guide (Natural History Museum)
Tree Lichen Guide Information and key guide to common tree lichens
UK Wild Flowers Photographic compilation of over 1500 UK wild flowers
Wild Flower Finder Identification guide for UK wild flowers.
Wild Flower HD App Identification guide to over 1,700 wild flowers of UK & Western Europe.
Wild Flower Society National society for amateur botanists.
Woodland Trust Major conservation charity dedicated to preserving UK trees & woodlands.


Yorkshire Links

Link Info Region
Botanising in Yorkshire, Huntingdonshire & Beyond Mainly West Yorks based botany blog. W.Yorks
Bradford Botany Group Plant recording, meetings and information. W.Yorks
Botanical Society (mid west) Plant recording (Yorkshire Dales area). N/W.Yorks
Bryophyte Recording (Nature in the Dales) Recording & mapping of nationally rare mosses & liverworts. N/W.Yorks
Hay Time Project (YDMT) Hay meadow improvement project. N/W.Yorks
Loose and Leafy In Halifax Flora & other wildlife blog. W.Yorks
Nature in the Dales / Plants Plant species in the Yorkshire Dales. N/W.Yorks
North East Yorkshire Botanical Group Plant recording & group meetings N.Yorks
Northern Hay Meadows Hay meadow wild flowers & grasses information. N.Yorks
Sorby Botanical Group Plant recording, meetings and information. S.Yorks
South Yorkshire Botanists Plant recording, meetings and information. S.Yorks
South East Yorkshire Botanical Group Plant recording, meetings and information. E.Yorks
South West Yorkshire Botany Group Plant recording, meetings and information. S.Yorks
The Plants of Hull Millennium survey of plant species in the Hull area. E.Yorks
Thorp Perrow Arboretum Home to some of the rarest trees & shrubs in the UK. N.Yorks
Upper Wharfedale Botany Group Interest group, field meetings & articles. N.Yorks
Yorkshire Arboretum Over 6,000 trees set in tranquil parkland. N.Yorks
Yorkshire Plants (YNU page) Including a checklist of Yorkshire plant species. Yorks


Yorkshire's Wildlife Sites

All of the nature reserves, SSSIs and local sites

Yorkshire Folk

The people involved with Yorkshire's Wildlife

Yorkshire Nature Notes

The blog, personal reflections and Yorkshire banter!